Call Us Today! 250-597-3737

Fee Structure


Initial Consultation and acupuncture treatment

(1.5 hours): $150.00

Subsequent acupuncture visits

(90 mins): $150.00
(60 mins): $115.00
(30 mins): $75.00

Children’s consultation and acupuncture treatments:

Initial (1 hour): $125.00
Follow up (30min): $75.00

Non-Surgical Facial Restoration

Initial consultation and facial treatment

(1.5 hours): $160.00

Subsequent treatments

(1 hours): $150.00

Herbal Consults

(1 hour): $115.00

Other services incorporated into various treatments with no additional cost:


an ancient healing method of using heated glass or bamboo cups on various areas of the body to produce relief in chronic pain, skin diseases, and to release toxins from the body.


enhances the effect of the acupuncture treatment by reducing inflammation and flushing the area of metabolic waste to relieve pain and discomfort.